Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanks “sleeping” Service!!

So, yesterday we had our annual Thanksgiving service at Church. This gave us the opportunity to thank God for all the things he has done and continues to do in a special way. It was a lengthy service and as it ran into its third hour I began to hear my stomach grumbling with hunger (Why didn’t I take breakfast?).

And that was when I noticed him. Guys, could you believe that a man seated two chairs from me had been sleeping since the service started? He only woke up to give his offertory. Wow!!

As I caught a glimpse of him enjoying his trip to dreamland whilst the pastor was preaching the sermon for the day I asked myself this question.
Is this a Thanksgiving Service or a ThanksSleeping Service?

Then again, the spirit might be willing but I must say that in his case, the flesh is sooo..... definitely weak.....


  1. *Confession time* I can't remember the last time I was awake in can't blame us now..blame it on the fufu we had saturday night. :P

  2. @ Nita: Lol!! I know oo... But the trick is to try hard to stay awake. After all, you may as well get the message while you are in church.. Anaa?


I spoke my mind... Now it's your turn..


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